このたび、なかむらくるみによるリサーチワーク “Is This A Communication Tool?”(ITACT?)「これはコミュニケーションツールだろうか?」を公開します。
*English follows Japanese
“Is This A Communication Tool?”(ITACT?)「これはコミュニケーションツールだろうか?」
Natasha Papaeva (ロシア/オランダ)、 Masako Matsushita (イタリア)
Alessandro Marzotto (イタリア/ドイツ)、なかむらくるみ (日本)
① 初対面の人とコミュニケーションを取る際にあなたが心がけていることはありますか。
② ビデオを見て何か発見したこと・感じたことがあれば教えてください。
SOKONIDANCE is introducing Kurumi Nakamura’s recent research project “Is This A Communication Tool?”(ITACT?).
Kurumi, as founder of SOKONIDANCE, would like to share this project and ask for cooperation to respond to the questionnaire for further understanding of this work.
For Kurumi, dance (physical expression) is one of communication tools in every moment at home, work or everywhere in our daily lives.
She has been holding a workshop at welfare facilities for people with disabilities, Dance Kyositsu for over 10 years, and also constantly working on performance for dance company Ala oruz, which enjoys physical expressions in dancers’ own ways.
Through those activities and many other workshops she meets participants with diverse backgrounds including people with intellectual or developmental disabilities, and sometimes it could be difficult to communicate to them when expressing something in language.
What she has been realizing is however, dance (physical expression) does play an important role to get closer to them, even more than language does.
As getting aware of such aspect of dance (physical expression), Kurumi has decided to start this project to learn more about HOW could it be a communication tool.
Starting from questions such as:
-Does communication with physical expression work with anybody?
-If two individuals are to communicate with physical expression without knowing each other, what kind of feelings and experiences will they find?
-For artists who engage in physical expression, how is communication supposed to be when interacting with others?
The outline of the research is as follows:
“Is This A Communication Tool?”(ITACT?)
Kurumi Nakamura (dance artist)
Research period:
From December 2020 to January 2021
Participating artists:
Natasha Papaeva (Russia/Netherland), Masako Matsushita (Italy)
Alessandro Marzotto (Italy/Germany)、Kurumi Nakamura (Japan)
-4 participants, who live in Japan, Netherland, Italy and Germany, try to have a conversation by creating a move with their bodies just as with language.
-Each participant records their moves and sends a video between two in one time.
-1 conversation consists with 3 videos with increasing a move in 3 steps- 1 move for the first contact and 2 for second, 3 for third.
-Every move should be as simple as possible, focusing on deciding a move to convey one’s thoughts to another instead of creating improvisational dance.
-In every conversation participants imagine that they talk to someone who meet for the first time and need to select a word, instead of chatting in close relationships like family.
Kurumi would like to share this research with especially those who might think dance (physical expression) as something complicated or difficult, and hopes them to have more interests.
To continue to explore possibility of dance (physical expression) as a communication tool, Kurumi wishes to hear from audiences:
①Is there anything you keep in mind when communicating with someone who meet for the first time?
②Please share what you find or how you feel from watching those 6 videos.
On introducing this research, SOKONIDANCE is looking for participants who can watch whole 6 videos and respond to the questionnaire.
If you have any interest, please contact us by e-mail (will open till September 30, 2021)
We will send 3 videos on reply. (other 3 videos are shown on top page of this website, at INTACT? 1-3 banners)
For those who cooperate the questionnaire, we will give a gift as a small token of appreciation.
-SOKONIDANCE T-shirt for 2 people
Available in 2 sizes (adult S/M) and 2 designs.
-SOKONIDANCE brooch for 2 people
Available in 2 colors (black/white)
For more details, please check out our SHOP page here.
We hope many people, including those who love to dance or to watch dance, who are interested in communication with/without language or in any other ways, enjoy this project and share their thoughts with us.
If there is anything you would like to know more, please contact us from e-mail address above.